We have highlighted concerns about white cider before in connection with its impact on homeless people. At our seminar, Housing Continuing Drinkers on Friday, the issue came up again when St Mungo's services users talked about trying to prevent the off-license next to their hostel from sellling the stuff, saying "it kills people" and is highly addictive.
Who, apart from alcohol dependent drinkers, buys white cider? Impoverished students perhaps. Should it be banned, or is there a legitimate place in the market for it? Is white cider worse than (stronger) super-strength lagers; if so why?
An article in Health Service Journal on health and homlessness earlier this month quoted community nurse and alcohol worker Jackie Conarty:
The drinks industry cannot justify creating a drink whose sole market is addicts. We did liver toxicity tests on people who drank white ciders and people who drank beers like Tennents Super, which is strong, but is basically malt, water and hops. White ciders are just chemicals. The liver functions were worse in those who drank white ciders."
Anecdotally people often say to us that white cider kills people and that it rots the stomach but where is the evidence? We would like more information; please send us what you know so we can put the facts to policy makers and the manufacturers of white cider.
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