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Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Instead of blaming alcohol delivery services, bars or clubs blame the supermarkets that sell alcohol cheaper than milk or water.

all the alcohol delivery business are fully regulated and comply with strict challenge 25 policies and it's an offence to sell alcohol to somebosy who appears intoxicated!
Drink delivery business is there for people's convenience and prevents customers from drink driving

Similar to Ed, I too am involved within the alcohol delivery sector. Whilst Ed may be the market leader in Manchester, Booze Up (http://www.booze-up.com) is London's Premier Alcohol Delivery Service.

As a company that was established back in 2008, I must say I completely agree with Ed - it is very simple - alcoholics simply cannot afford our services. Their needs are daily and quite frankly our delivery charge alone would buy them a four pack of beer down the local off license, and surely an alcoholic is going to take this into consideration prior to ordering!

Both Booze Manchester and Booze Up follow strict licensing guidelines. We are not fly by night cowboys! If you appear drunk or we feel you have already consumed enough alcohol, we will not continue to serve you!

We take alcoholism seriously, so seriously in fact we have a dedicated 'drinkaware' page full of useful information to get help or advice! http://www.booze-up.com/drinkaware.php

Alcohol is there to be enjoyed, not abused, however, we also need to remember that alcoholism is an illness and is not to be taken lightly.

I don't think alcohol delivery companies are a cause for concern. There are already 24 hour off licences dotted about (you just have to look at http://www.24houralcohol.co.uk/ to see how many there are in London) so people can already buy alcohol at night if they wish. The alcohol delivery companies are generally pretty expensive compared to off licences so I don't think people with drinking problems use them as it would cost too much. I don't drink very often but I've used alcohol delivery companies a few times (as I'm sometimes awake at night) and they are handy. I'm sure they help to stop people drink driving too.

We have 24-hour alcohol delivery in London, and it is probably better than the other options - such as wandering the a bad area with an office licence willing to serve at such an hour. You see it is mainly upper class areas where there are no open off licences, hence the type of people calling are indeed ABC1 category.

But I do take the point of the earlier commenter that people need to drink in moderation, but that has little to do with our service.

Alcohol Delivery London http://www.drinksdriver.com

CFO, Charles Lane

The council run test purchasers regularly, if a compay like ours was selling to underage people they would be caught, i can understand that there may be a council somwere that wouldnt think to monitor such a service, but surley then the council is to blame?

monitoring our service is just as sinple as monitoring shops, if not easier, with shops all that is done is test purchases and refusal book plus alot of staff training. with our area off business we have to do all of the above plus more, we have an invoice for every order signed by the individual to abide by our T&C's of not passing to underage people, on that invoice is also all details taken with the order such as date of birth, address, name, contact number, the time of sale and what was sold. how many shops can the police go to if there was a problem and get all that information? they dont have a record off all that info, if alcohol got passed to an underage kid in a certain area at a certain time or the police knew what alcohol it was then we can provide in-depth detail as to who passed the alcohol to them...

Just to clarify your first question... we regard responsible drinkers as normal members of the public that are either having a meal and would like some wine or champagne delivered, people that are at home and have a few friends around but didnt make it to the shop before they closed to get some beer, and people that have been out in town and want to have a few more drinks, just because they have already been out does not make them irresponsible drinkers, in fact surley if they have already been out and are not drunk that makes them rather responsible?

Manchester Alcohol Delivery: http://www.boozemanchester.co.uk

Alcohol Delivery Company Directory For The UK: http://www.boozenation.co.uk

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