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Thursday, December 04, 2008


Thanks all for comments. I agree there is a need for better understanding, but this does not mean stright forward 'education' is effective. It needs to be targeted or done through brief interventions etc.

See here for an interesting verdict on effective policies:

Hi there,

I guess yes, selling alcohol cheap will definitely encourage people to buy more, which will affect their health and there is a need for some programs to teach the consequences of alcohol.

Thanking You,


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I think education is the key. Increasing awareness of the dangers of alcohol to mind & body is a must! Also there should be more free treatment, counselling & advice available. GP's should be re-educated especially those from foriegn cultures where drinking alcohol is forbidden because they can't relate to alcoholics. I was given 6 months to live 5 years ago & if I had not stopped drinking I would not be writing this now.

I was fourteen when i started drinking in the 70s when alcohol was not cheap,it didn,t stop me.But if i knew the health risks i might of had a different view.Do people drink because its cheap maybe,but people drink because of a lack of knowledge of what its doing to they bodies.They have priced cigarettes so high you would think they are made of gold,but has everybody given up,no,they have gone to the blackmarket where it is cheaper.education is the key, putting more money in the goverments coffers is not.

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