Most women 'unaware' of breast cancer threat
Eight out of 10 women do not know that alcohol is a cause of breast cancer, a YouGov survey has revealed. When compared to women who don't drink alcohol, it is estimated that those who drink three units a day increase their risk by a fifth, two large glasses increases the risk by a third and nine units a day raise the risk by half. The survey found that 82% of women were not aware of the connection with alcohol, compared with 95% who did link it to liver disease, and 71% who were aware it raised the risk of liver cancer. For more information see this Daily Telegraph report.
Drinking before 15 may increase chance of alcoholism
The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has found that drinking before the age of 15 increases a child's risk of becoming a heavy drinker. It reports that a teenager's fast-developing brain becomes programmed to link alcohol with pleasure. The NIAAA study matched information on the teenage drinking habits of more than 22,000 Americans with the development of alcohol-related problems.
The findings aren't good news for England, a poll of 11 to 15-year-olds in 2007 by the NHS Information Centre found around 640,000 were likely to have drunk alcohol in the past seven days. Of hospital admissions in 2006/7 specifically due to an alcohol-related diagnosis, almost one in 10 were in under 18 year olds.
For more see a BBC report here
Police caught up in drunken disorder affects emergency call outs
The Police Federation for England and Wales is set to warn MPs that officers are not able to respond to emergency calls because they are too busy dealing with disorder caused by 24-hour drinking, a Daily Telegraph article reports. The federation has said police forces also need more money to ensure the safety of law-abiding drinkers late at night and that the 2003 Licensing act brought in has not succeeded in creating a 'cafe style' drinking culture.
The Publican calls for minimum pricing
The Publican, the information and media resource for the UK pub industry, has launched a branded campaign 'Make it the minimum', calling for a minimum 50p per unit price. The campaigns targets the heavily discounted alcohol sold by supermarkets and off-licenses that is reported to have impacted negatively on the pub industry in recent years.
Report examines role of culture in alcohol related violence
A report by the International Centre for Alcohol Policies (ICAP) indicates that countries with strict social rules and behavioural etiquette such as the United Kingdom may foster drinking cultures characterised by unruly or bad behaviour. The report, Alcohol and Violence: Exploring Patterns and Responses, examines the association between alcohol and violence and lists 11 cultural features that may predict levels of violence such as homicide and spousal abuse. For more details see here.
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