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Wednesday, October 22, 2008


It is nice to know that a lot of people are now aware of the increasing rate of alcoholic addiction cases in the world. This would also add the possibility for a lot of people suffering from serious addictions to recover.

Its a good idea,submissions that will help the future development of alcohol treatment.


I work in NHS Scotland, and policy has been different, and your enquiry relates to England?
However, there would be greater take-up of treatment fo alcohol problems in UK generally if:
1. There were shorter waiting times to see a specialist
2. There was a wider range of treatments offered - e.g. many agencies do not offer Antabuse, which some alcohol dependent people find very helpful; many agencies do not know how effectively to link patients with Alcoholics Anonymous.

3. UK needs more research on cost- effective treatments - the medicine 'baclofen' is one area meriting further investigation

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