Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs), often known as Alcohol Control Areas or Controlled Drinking Zones, have come under pressure as a report from a self styled 'pro-human campaigning network' the Manifesto Club . The group has urged the public to 'reclaim public spaces' with an organised event in Hyde Park, largely promoted on social network site facebook. A report by the group, called 'Against the Booze Bans and the Hyper-Regulation of Public Space', claims that local authorities have now put in place over 613 DPPOs and that many are being implemented excessively.
Part of the problem may be the common misconception of the DPPO as an alcohol ban, when actually it does not prohibit public drinking but in fact gives police and authorised officers powers to confiscate alcohol or arrest for non-compliance in specifically designated areas, as Alcohol Concern's Don Shenker correctly highlighted in a report in the Guardian. A further report on the issue can be found in the Telegraph. However many local authorities have reported significant reductions in alcohol related anti-social behaviour following the implementation of the orders, albeit that vulnerable groups such as street drinkers should be provided with appropriate support and interventions.
For further information on DPPOs see the Home Office page here.