Glasgow has Scotland's highest rate of alcohol-related hospital admissions, new figures have shown. The NHS statistics said an average of 860 people per 100,000 were admitted between 2004 and 2006 in Scotland. But in the east end of Glasgow that rose to 1,505, compared to a regional low of 501 in East Renfrewshire.
Alcohol misuse is estimated to cost Scotland £2.25bn every year, with related deaths more than doubling in the past decade. The statistics showed wide variation across Scotland in the number of people admitted to hospital as a result of alcohol-related illness.
East and south east Glasgow and south east Highland were among the worst areas nationally, parts of which had 3% of the population admitted to hospital at least once because of alcohol. But in areas such as Dumfries and Galloway, East Dunbartonshire and Edinburgh, the admission rate was just 0.2%. BBC News
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