Community Partnerships to Reduce Alcohol-related Harm
sponsored by AERC (Alcohol Education and Research Council)
Wednesday April 16, University of Bath
‘…local partnerships are well placed to understand how alcohol affects their local communities (and) use the current and developing delivery frameworks to reduce alcohol-related harm …’ (Safe, Sensible, Social, p.66).
This one-day event will bring together key people with an active interest in Community Partnerships to Reduce Alcohol-related Harm, and address issues related to opportunities for and barriers to successful interventions.
Speakers will include:
- the Chair of the Alcohol Education and Research Council
- Leaders of community alcohol projects in Glasgow, Cardiff, Birmingham
- Dr Willm Mistral, Professor Richard Velleman, Lorna Templeton, Dr Claudia Mastache
- evaluators AERC UK Community Alcohol Prevention Programme
- co-authors Local Action to Prevent Alcohol Problems: is the UK Community Alcohol Prevention Programme (UKCAPP) the best solution? International Journal of Drug Policy.
- Dr Betsy Thom
- alcohol and drugs research co-ordinating editor for Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy
- co-author Multi-component programmes: an approach to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm (Joseph Rowntree Foundation).
- Professor Martin Plant
- Professor of Addiction Studies, University of the West of England
- co-author Binge Britain: Alcohol and the National Response
- Robert Humphries
- Chairman PASS; Honorary Secretary, All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group
- Sarah Ward
- Alcohol Concern, HubCAPP: Hub of Commissioned Alcohol Projects and Policies.
- Panel Discussion: Alcohol Industry; National Policy; Local Action
This is an invitation only event. Please respond to Dr Willm Mistral [email protected]