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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


ive lost my job and been landed with an £80 fine for serving someone who was 'drunk'! i have cctv footage which shows the customer not only being smiley and happy on a busy saturday night but also offer me the 20p after a round of £4.20 to even up the change? is this a sign of a intoxecated person who has been sold intoxicants as the police officer said or is this a sign of a person being served alcohol who is (note the language) 'drunk' as stated on my penalty notice? thats just the start of it. the guy was not charged with drunk and disorderly nor with any other criminal offence. furthermore when asking the officer what evidence is available and what criminal act i have broken the reply was 'its their word against yours and nothing has been written on your penalty notice because it doesnt break an act of such kind?' please write your opinions and help me as being unemployed while studying is not the most pleasent

This is an exciting time for us- However I hope that in response to the requirement for authorities to have alcohol strategies they produce plans that are meaningful and have real, measurable outcomes.

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