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Tuesday, July 31, 2007


A fantastic site, and brilliant effort. A great piece of work.o

I thank you with all my heart for this beautiful web site!

I don't have anything bad so say. You www.alcoholpolicy.net always interestingly.
Respect to the author! It is better, than to write the report about ,really. Bye!So long!

Enough already with the ukalele music Libby!!!

Powerful stuff Libby. Last week I was at a residential with a group of young people (12 - 15 years old) talking about NICE's draft guidance on alcohol interventions in schools.

Many of the messages about what, and how, young people are drinking that Steve talked about with you seem to apply to the group we were with as well. The major difference seemed to be that it was the older group rather than the 12 year olds who were consistently drinking on the street.

The other point that came across very clearly to me is that our group didn't have a very clear idea about what binge drinking meant, or how many units they were drinking (but did know the % of alcohol in their drinks and the sensible drinking guidance for adults).

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