Debra Shipley has been selected as the new Drinkaware Trust Chair. Debra was formerly Member of Parliament for Stourbridge having stood down at the 2005 election. Shipley is best known for gaining wide support for child protection issues, culminating in the Protection of Children Act 1999. She has also campaigned on children’s issues including TV advertising and food.
She said: “I am delighted to have been chosen to chair The Drinkaware Trust and am very excited by the opportunity we have in this unique partnership. “I believe that the challenge of reducing harm caused by alcohol misuse is one of the key issues facing today’s society. It impacts on individuals, families and communities. I believe that the challenge of reducing harm caused by alcohol misuse is one of the key issues facing today’s society. Drinkaware will campaign to increase awareness of harm caused by misuse of alcohol, to challenge attitudes and to improve behaviour.“ Morning Advertiser
At time of writing the Drinkaware Trust website isn't working, but we understand it should be ready soon. See also previous posts here and here.