- The vast majority of women students worldwide know nothing about the lifestyle habits that can influence breast cancer risk. And they are no better informed about the disease than their male counterparts according to a report published in the European Journal of Cancer. In the Cancer Research UK led study of more than 10,000 female students from 23 countries, fewer than five per cent realised that alcohol, exercise or being overweight could influence breast cancer risk. Politics.co.uk story here, Abstract here.
- Police officers behind the county's Operation Summer Nights campaign to cut down on yobbish behaviour have joined forces with the Drinkaware Trust in the latest move to curb heavy drinking. The two groups have created a special radio advert that aims to get people across Lancashire to drink sensibly this summer. The hard-hitting advert will make people consider how alcohol affects their behaviour and be will be broadcast on 97.4 Rock FM from 10th July. This is Lancashire
- The World Health Organisation has launched the WHO Regional Office for Europe, Alcohol control database. The database provides data to track and assess alcohol policies and their implementation within and across countries of the European region. The information is targeted to policy/decision-makers, prevention and control programme staff, researchers and global partners and others working with alcohol prevention. Information can be either viewed on a country-by-country basis or in consolidated country comparison tables. WHO
- Teenagers from affluent homes are the most likely to drink frequently and behave while drunk in a way that they will regret, according to a new study which also finds that girls typically drink more than boys. The survey of 11 to 16 year olds shows that, while girls start drinking regularly later than boys, their intake increases significantly at around 13 and they outstrip boys by the time they are 14 or 15. The Observer
- More than 80 people were arrested across the Avon and Somerset force area on July 8th as police focussed on the night time economy as part of Operation Relentless. Licensed premises were visited, a rave was prevented, a pub was raided, test purchase operations were carried out and alcohol was confiscated from people underage. People were given instant fines for mainly alcohol-related offences and people were given advice about how enjoy a safe night out. Operation Relentless is Avon and Somerset Constabulary's biggest ever campaign to target criminals and turn the spotlight of fear on those who commit crime. It aims to ensure that the law-abiding people who live in the force area feel safe and are safe. More details of the NTE activity here.